What Did I Just Watch?

It was crude. It was silly. Probably a waste of time.
I'm talking about The Interview with James Franco and Seth Rogen. Do I recommend it? Not really. Did I laugh? A few times. What kept me in it were the LOTR references and the puppy.
Then we watched Fed Up, and that simply made me mad and frustrated and put me in the right frame of mind to get started on one of my New Year's resolutions, clean up my diet.
The gist if the documentary was sugar is poison. Processed foods promote unhealthy bodies. Eat real food. Real food doesn't come in a box or a bag or from a fast food restaurant. Which is all just common sense to me. People need to take responsibility for their own health because the government is useless in this regard. Because money.
I made this Taco Bowl this week. It's a keeper.
Here's what's in it.