I don't usually do ARC's. (Advance Reader Copies) But for anyone who's
interested in getting an early copy of Kiss Me Again, I'm providing a link where you can download either a mobi file (Kindle) or an epub file (ibooks, nook). The idea of giving away advance copies is to help garner early reviews. So if you choose to download a copy, please consider leaving an honest review when the book releases on November 15.
Or if you prefer, you can pre-order your copy on Amazon for the initial sale price of $0.99!
I'd also like to thank to all my readers, especially for the recent messages I've received encouraging me in this process. Writing is a solitary business, and hearing from readers and knowing my stories have resonated with them always makes my day. Thank you!
Here's the link for the ARC's. Kiss Me Again.
This romance is mostly sweet with a little steam on the side without being sexually explicit and low on angst.
*If you leave a review, kindly state you received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.